Easy Sanskrit (Level 2 - Advanced: Sandhis Combinations) Course at Badri - Registration Form
This course is Free and open to all (All must register to attend.)
Sunday, September 21 to Friday, September 26, 2014 (7:30 pm - 9:00 pm)
Please click here for details of the Easy Sanskrit Course.
Please use Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla FireFox Browser (Chrome or Safari might not work)
Adult Information: (If Parent or Registerant is also participating, please include the name in the participant list below:)
* FirstName * LastName * email
* Address
* City * State * zip
* Home Phone * Cell Phone Work Phone

Please enter all the members from your family participating in Easy Sanskrit Course (Including the above person registering, if attending the course.)

* Are you a Chinmaya Mission member?
* Participant Name 1: Participant Name 2:
Participant Name 3: Participant Name 4:
Participant Name 5: Participant Name 6:
Comments(Please enter any comments)
(If any member only partially attending, please enter the details here)